ailleurs 240
Ségolène Régal feat De Traviole - Monique Protest
- 00:00:00 France Gall - You me mirou
- 00:01:13 FoodWars! Opening1 feat. Ségolène Régal
- 00:02:54 Mei Tei - Curio feat. Segoren Rîgaru
- 00:07:08 Wink voyage voyage (part 1)
- 00:08:38 Interlude Tantei Gakuen Opening1
- 00:09:01 Wink voyage voyage (part 2)
- 00:09:30 Hikaru Hayashi - Onibaba
- 00:11:52 Matheus Gama - Naruto Sadness and sorrow (flute and keyboard cover)
- 00:13:44 Gainoh Yamashirogumi - Kaneda - Akira OST
- 00:16:20 The Lion King 2 - One of us
- 00:17:48 YMCK - Anotoki
- 00:18:21 Anatoki (remix Jean Seb)
- 00:22:32 Mop Cut - Aquamarine
- 00:27:30 Rough Diamond feat. Segolène Régal
- 00:29:02 Seneri Kawaguchi - Adventure Drum Performance (remix Jean Seb)
- 00:31:00 Alexandr Hrustevich - Vivaldi - the four seasons
- 00:32:32 Vivaldi - The four seasons (remix Jean Seb)
- 00:35:07 Monique Protest feat. de Traviole - AK Marine